Getting Started with Emburse Book Follow
Is it your first time using Emburse Book or maybe you need a refresher? This article will lead you through Emburse Book's best practices for setting up your profile and booking a trip.
Register for the Mobile App
1. After downloading Emburse Book from your the Android or Apple Store, complete the fields below and tap Register to complete the process.
The Company name will be given you by your organization. This is a specific name/code assigned when implementing Emburse Book.
2. Now that you're registered, you can begin booking travel from your mobile app.
Launch Emburse Book Online
1. Login to Emburse Book.
2. From the home screen, click the App Switcher icon ().
3. Select Travel from the menu to open Emburse Book.
Complete your Travel Profile
1. Update your Personal Information to make sure your name matches your legal identification. On the same page, enter TSA and passport details.
2. Add your credit card in the Billing Information section. Some companies will have credit cards loaded and available to use.
3. Complete the Travel Preferences for specifics, such as your preference for aisle or window seats, default train stations, and class of rental cars.
4. Add your membership details for any loyalty programs you belong to.
Book Your Trip
1. Complete applicable search criteria on the Home Page, and click Search.
2. View search results and select your choice by clicking on the price.
3. Continue through the search results until you've made all of your selections.
4. When you've reached the Purchase Summary screen, confirm your selections and click Purchase. Trip Authorization will be triggered if it is in place. When the trip is approved, you'll receive an email confirmation and any itineraries that are paid for at the time of booking will forward to your Emburse Book Wallet.
Visit our Training & Education section for Travelers, Approvers, and Administrators for detailed, on-demand video tutorials and guides for all travel tasks.