Working with Cards in Payment Settings Follow
Once the Payment Settings rule has been enabled in your Emburse Book account, and you have added either credit cards or virtual cards, you may encounter some of these scenarios.
Managing Payment Settings
The option to Edit or Delete a Payment Setting is available, however, any Payment Setting attached through an Include Rule cannot be deleted.
The Payment Type of a Payment Setting cannot be changed.
Including a Payment Setting on a Policy Branch
The following rules are available for Payment Settings:
Virtual Cards:
- Include Payment - Hotel Virtual Card
- Exclude Payment - Hotel Virtual Card
Only one Hotel Virtual Card will be valid per policy branch. If a parent policy contains the rule item Include Payment - Hotel Virtual Card and the Admin adds the rule to a child policy, the Hotel Virtual Card from the parent policy will be overridden.
Credit Cards:
- Include Payment - Credit Card
- Exclude Payment - Credit Card
Cards added through Payment Settings are not available in the traveler profiles.
Adding Cards to a Policy Branch
Multiple Credit Cards can be added to a policy branch. If a parent policy contains the rule item Include Payment - Credit Card and the Admin adds the rule to a child policy, the Credit Card from both rules will be available to the users. Any Hotel Virtual Card included will also be shown.
Only one Virtual Card is allowed per policy branch.
Users Using Payment Settings Cards
When a user is prompted to select a card, all available credit cards will be listed. The List includes virtual cards, all company credit cards, and all traveler profile cards for the travel type.
Users will be prompted when there are more than one Payment Settings credit card/virtual card included on the policy branch for the travel type being booked.
If a traveler's policy branch has multiple Payment Settings credit cards for air travel, the user is not prompted when there is a card designated for a specific airline. Instead, the specific airline card is applied as the default payment. Non-specific cards are not considered when a specific airline card is available.
If the traveler's policy branch has a Payment Settings Virtual Card or Credit Card for the travel type included, the Payment Settings card will always be applied. If there is a preferred credit card for the travel type in the traveler's profile, it will not be used. The rule Always Prompt for Credit Card must be attached to the traveler policy branch and set to Yes for the user to have the option to select a card from the profile.
If the traveler's policy branch does not have a Payment Settings Virtual Card or Credit Card for the travel type included and there is a preferred credit card for the travel type in the traveler's profile, the preferred credit card from the traveler profile is always applied to bookings for the travel type.
If the traveler's policy branch does not have a Payment Settings Virtual Card or Credit Card for the travel type included and there is an available credit card(s) for the travel type in the traveler's profile but no preferred credit card for the travel type is selected in the traveler's profile, the user will be prompted to select from the list of available credit cards when booking the travel type.
If the rule item Always Prompt for Credit Card is attached to the traveler policy branch and set to Yes, the user will always be prompted to select a card when booking.
If the user is viewing the traveler's profile, the access to the Billing Information Page and the ability to add a credit card for a travel type is based on the logged-in user's policy.
Booking Using Payment Settings Cards
During the booking process, the user will be prompted to add a credit card to the travel type if the traveler does not have available credit in their profile or policy.
If the user is adding a credit card during the booking process, that card will be available during the session for the traveler. The ability to save the card to the traveler's profile is based on the traveler's policy. Each type of travel has a Level Rule to determine if the traveler can set a preferred credit card. If the user is adding a credit card during the booking process and wants to save the credit card to the traveler's profile, the Level Rule on the traveler's policy b ranch for the type of travel must be set to Edit.
Hotel Booking with Virtual Card from Conferma
If a user attempts to book a hotel but we are not able to obtain a virtual card from Conferma, the user will be presented with an error:
Unable to process hotel payment. Please remove the hotel(s) from your itinerary to continue. To correct his problem, go to the top menu bar, select "Help" then "Online Help" and then "Contact Support". If you need immediate assistance, please contact your travel agency.
If a user attempts to book a hotel but the total cost exceeds the maximum amount set by the company for a virtual card, the user will be presented with an error:
Unable to process hotel payment. Requested amount exceeds maximum amount allowed. Please choose another option.
If a user books a hotel with a virtual card but we are unable to complete the card processing with Conferma, the user will be presented with an error:
Unable to complete hotel payment process. Please contact your travel agency for assistance.
Please Note: An email will be sent to the TMC's Failure Email when a failure occurs and the TMC needs to take action.
A new virtual card is requested for each hotel booking for a trip. If the hotel is changed and the hotel remains the same, the existing virtual card will be updated. If the hotel is changed and a different hotel is selected, the original virtual card is canceled and a new card is requested for the new hotel.
To ensure that a Hotel Virtual Card is always used for your company's hotel bookings, the Hotel Virtual Card must be included on the policy branch for the traveler(s) and the Preferred Hotel Credit Card Level rule item should be set to Hide. The rule item Always Prompt for Credit Card should not be used.