Updating Lookup Lists Follow
Many companies require specific information and options to be available when booking trips and also recorded in Traveler Profiles. For example, drop-down menus within search results that only contain specific rental car types and airline fares to book, or specific options for trip reasons. Also, extra information specific to the Traveler, such as a cost center or regional department in their profile. In Emburse Book, these lists holding specific details are referenced as Lookup Lists. This article will show you how to update existing Lookup Lists.
This article shows you, a TMC Administrator, how to update a lookup list.
Step 1: From the menu bar, select Admin. Then, select Lookup List followed by the type of lookup list you'd like to add.
Please Note: Select Custom Lookup Lists for lists not in this menu.
Step 2: Select the pencil icon to Edit the Lookup List.
- To add a new list, select Add New Custom Lookup List.
- To remove an existing Lookup List entirely, select the delete icon.
Step 3: Make the required changes and click Save to update the policy.