Creating a Multiple Data Reporting Condition Follow
A company can collect data from several Reporting Conditions and have the Emburse Book system store the information temporarily (without sending it straight to the GDS). The information can then be combined and sent to the GDS by one Reporting Condition.
The stored reporting condition data is kept only during the current session or request, whichever is shorter.
This article, shows you, a TMC Administrator, how to create a Multiple Data Reporting Condition.
Step 1: Create the Reporting Conditions to collect data (as shown in Creating Reporting Conditions), but paying attention to the following fields:
- Reporting condition name: Enter a unique name. However, it is easier to keep track of the data-collection Reporting Condition if the names are similar. For example:Sales Tracking 1 and SALESTRACKING1.
- When to report: It does not matter which option is selected, but the setting has to be the same for all the Reporting Conditions in the group.
- GDS command(s): Leave this field blank.
- String Replacement Tag: Enter a unique string of alphanumeric characters with no blanks or symbols. Again, it is easier to use the tags if all the data-collection Reporting Conditions have similar string replacement tags. For example: Sales Tracking 1 and SALESTRACKING1.
Step 2: Create the Reporting Condition to submit the data to the GDS as usual, but paying attention to the following fields:
- When to report: Use the same setting as used for the data-collection Reporting Condition(s) (created in Step1, above).
- GDS command(s): Enter the GDS commands. Data collected from the data collection Reporting Conditions is inserted by enclosing the string replacement tags in brackets "[ ]".
- User Prompt Settings: These settings are not used.