Setting a Preferred Credit Card Follow
It is common for an organization to utilize company-paid credit cards for business travel. You may choose to have one specific card available as the preferred card for travel, amongst other available payment methods.
This article shows you, a TMC Administrator, how to set a preferred card for multiple user profiles.
Step 1: On the Emburse Book homepage, select the Admin menu. Then, select Company Settings followed by Reports.
Step 2: Select the System & Activity Reports link.
Step 3: Click Run for the Administrative | Group Profile Updates report.
Step 4: Check the box for the Core Permissions policy branch and the checkbox for Include child policy branches. When finished, click Continue.
Step 5: The Profile Updates Filter Designer page will display. No selections are required to set a preferred credit card. Click Continue.
Step 6: Select Run for the Credit Card Select Default function.
Step 7: Update the Filter for the Credit Card-Name to Equals and add the name of the credit card that is shown in the profiles. Click Continue.
Step 8: A list of available reservation types are shown. Check the types you want the credit card set as the preferred/default for. Click Continue.
Step 9: A list of profiles containing the credit card is displayed for you to review. In the Update column, uncheck any profile you do not wish to update. Click Continue.
Step 10: Add your password. Click Submit.
Step 11: You will receive the confirmation that the update is complete. Click Continue to return to the main Reports page.