Removing a Traveler Assigned to a Trip Authorizer - Professional Follow
At any time, an organization may need to change a Traveler's Authorizer, when the Authorizer is already assigned to multiple Travelers. In this case, it may be easier just to remove the single Traveler from the Authorizer's list.
This article shows you, a TMC Administrator, how to remove a Traveler assigned to a Trip Authorizer.
Please Note: If you cannot see Assign Trip Authorizers in the Admin menu, please contact Emburse Book Support.
Step 1: On the Emburse Book homepage, select Trip Authorization in the Admin menu. Then, select Assign Trip Authorizers.
Step 2: Click the icon in the Assign Travelers column.
Step 3: Click the checkbox next to the traveler(s) you wish to unassign.
Step 4: Click Save to complete.
Step 5: Click Close.
To View from the Traveler Profile
Step 1: To access the Trip Authorizers page in the traveler profile, go to Profile and then Trip Authorizers.
Step 2: The Trip Authorizers page of the Traveler Profile will show the available authorizers. Any Trip Authorizer assigned by the Administrator will be flagged. This advises the traveler to not remove the Trip Authorizer from the list.