Airfare Reservations Follow
Emburse Book allows users to book flights, hotels, and car reservations quickly and effortlessly online. This article will show you how to book a flight.
1. On your Travel account homepage, select the Air tab in the left-hand panel.
2. Choose whether your trip is Round Trip, One-Way, or Multi-City at the top. Enter your From and To locations, along with the departure and return dates and times. Use additional filtering in My Preferences if necessary. Click Search.
Please Note: If Search by Schedule is selected, Leg 1 and Leg 2 will be selected individually.
3. Fares reflected are categorized by fare family and ticket class and will note trip totals based on the lowest available fare. If more than one fare is available for an option, the fares will be listed for selection.
Please Note: Click Warnings to view potential company policy violations.
4. You will be presented with any lower-fare options if they are available. Otherwise, you are taken to the Shopping Cart.
5. Click Purchase to complete the reservation. Enter any additional information for the trip required by your company. Be sure to acknowledge the DOT hazardous materials notification.
Please Note: If you have any unused tickets available from previous bookings, they will be added to this booking.
6. From the Purchased Itinerary page, Itinerary Actions will allow you to email or cancel your reservation.
7. You will receive a confirmation email when the reservation has been approved. Your emailed itinerary will automatically forward into your Emburse Book Wallet.