Emburse Book User Role Overview Follow
This article describes the Emburse Book User Roles and their capabilities.
Basic Traveler
A Basic Traveler is the role given to the main group of travelers in a company. These users can:
- Book their own travel
- Update their profile
Executive Traveler
An Executive Traveler is a traveler that requires a more flexible travel policy. These users may have the ability to book business class, where Basic Travelers can only book coach. Like Basic Travelers, Executive Travelers can book their own travel, and update their profile.
Travel Planner
A Travel Planner can book travel on behalf of another person in their company. These users also have the same permissions as Basic and Executive Travelers.
Trip Authorizer
A Trip Authorizer can approve travel for other users. These users also have the same permissions as Basic and Executive Travelers.
Company Travel Administrator
A Company Travel Administrator is the employee who oversees the entire travel program. In addition to having the same permissions as all of the users above, these users can:
- Add new users
- Establish user roles
- Run reports on company activity
TMC Administrator
A TMC Administrator is an employee who manages a Emburse Book Travel account on behalf of a company. Unlike a Company Travel Administrator, TMC Admins are users outside of the company they are administering. These users can:
- Sets and manages company policy
- Establish workflow
- Manage access levels